Monday, October 11, 2010

Verily... what is truth?

This blog is an attempt to bring to the surface the myths and realities of 'truth', and what it means to live in a world where it can go undercover very easily.

What is truth?
How can one tell what is true or what is false?
Who tells truths, who tells lies?
Why does the truth seemingly hide from us?
Why does truth choose to reveal itself?

Along this journey into truth-seeking, several methods will be employed in order to demonstrate the difference in quality between truth and non-truth including; the scientific method, various anecdotal stories, and most importantly real world examples. The overall goal is to shed some much needed light on the concept and perception of truth, the reality of truth, and truth in our world in general.

If our world is indeed based in words, and some words are correctly applied to people/places/things/situations and other words are incorrectly applied... this could be the most relevant topic of study on the planet. Yowzah!

Now that the goal of this blog is stated, and as clearly and truthfully as possible in this moment...
let's get to the bottom of, well, the truth!! :)

Disclaimer:  This blog expresses the personal views of the author. It is an exercise in free speech and the capacity of the human mind to think and interpret in different ways from multiple perspectives. The author reserves the right to remove 'ad hominem' attacks against others who post in the comments to preserve a supportive open forum atmosphere. If you are offended, please review your version of the truth and check your premises. Basically, life is too short to get bent out of shape about what you read online. And please remember, nobody ever proved they were smarter than someone else by making a post on the Internet... probably ;)